PHP warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/merkezi/public_html/index.php:3)


791     /**
792      * Redirects the browser to the specified URL.
793      * @param string $url URL to be redirected to. Note that when URL is not
794      * absolute (not starting with "/") it will be relative to current request URL.
795      * @param boolean $terminate whether to terminate the current application
796      * @param integer $statusCode the HTTP status code. Defaults to 302. See {@link}
797      * for details about HTTP status code.
798      */
799     public function redirect($url,$terminate=true,$statusCode=302)
800     {
801         if(strpos($url,'/')===0 && strpos($url,'//')!==0)
802             $url=$this->getHostInfo().$url;
803         header('Location: '.$url, true, $statusCode);
804         if($terminate)
805             Yii::app()->end();
806     }
808     /**
809      * Parses an HTTP Accept header, returning an array map with all parts of each entry.
810      * Each array entry consists of a map with the type, subType, baseType and params, an array map of key-value parameters,
811      * obligatorily including a `q` value (i.e. preference ranking) as a double.
812      * For example, an Accept header value of <code>'application/xhtml+xml;q=0.9;level=1'</code> would give an array entry of
813      * <pre>
814      * array(
815      *        'type' => 'application',

Stack Trace

 /data/merkezi/public_html/protected/controllers/MerkezlerController.php(21): CController->redirect("/index")
17     public function actionView($id)
18     {
19         $menu_info=Menyular::model()->find('link=:link and lang_id=:lang_id', array(':link'=>'merkezler',':lang_id'=>$this->lang_id));
20         $merkez_info=Merkezler::model()->find('lang_id=:lang_id and aktivlik=:aktivlik and auto_id=:auto_id order by name', array(':lang_id'=>$this->lang_id,':aktivlik'=>$this->active,':auto_id'=>$id));
21         if(empty($merkez_info)) $this->redirect(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl.'/index');
22         $hekimler=Hekimler::model()->findAll('lang_id=:lang_id and aktivlik=:aktivlik and merkez=:merkez order by ad', array(':lang_id'=>$this->lang_id,':aktivlik'=>$this->active,':merkez'=>$id));
23         $ixtisas=array();
24         $akademik=array();
25         foreach($hekimler as $row)
26         {
 /data/merkezi/public_html/index.php(14): CApplication->run()
09 defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true);
10 // specify how many levels of call stack should be shown in each log message
11 defined('YII_TRACE_LEVEL') or define('YII_TRACE_LEVEL',3);
13 require_once($yii);
14 Yii::createWebApplication($config)->run();
15  ?>
2025-01-15 22:02:25 Apache Yii Framework/1.1.15